Boudoir Self Portraits Vol. 1

Hi friendss! I’m so glad you’re here. If you’re new here hello, I’m Taylor and I’m a boudoir photographer from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Boudoir photography has had my heart for the last two years, and after just graduating from Nait’s photographic technology program, I’m ready to dive head first into this full time photography business owner thing!

I wanted to get back into sharing full galleries of not only my own self portrait boudoir sessions but also from past clients so you can really get a feel for what these experiences actually look like. I’m thankful everyday for women like you for even being here, reading this blog, I appreciate you more than you know.

My why…

Why do I take boudoir self portraits? Is it vain? Do I come off as self centered? These are questions my intrusive thoughts are always asking me. The truth is, I don’t get into the studio dreaming of what the photos are going to look like, or what I’m going to post on instagram later, I focus on how I am feeling in that moment, right now. It’s a time to release, and engage with myself. Some might take baths, or go for a long walk… I get into the studio and take boudoir self portraits, and I’m learning to stop apologizing for that.

Enjoy this most recent set of self portraits in the new studio and tell me one thing you love about yourself in the comments!

xoxo - Tay


L’s Edmonton Boudoir Experience


2022 Wet Sets